Friday 20 December 2013

The Tao of 'Thought' : Do you remember who you were before the world decreed who you have to be?

Do you remember who you were before the world decreed who you have to be? Is the 'lens' with which you see the world,your essential paradigm your very own or someone Else's? Why do you need a perspective in the first place? Why faith?
 A perturbed Ila questions the narrator in Ghosh's Shadow lines " Why? Why should we try,why not take the world around as it is? " he answered as it was elucidated by his mentor Tridib " we had to try for the alternative wasn't blankness- it only meant that if  we didn't try ourselves,we would never be free of others inventions".

But Can the world really function without a prior hypothesis? A paradigm of how things are; that which is undone or eventually prove as the apprentice/individual advances in terms of experiences.

Talk of the school of original thought; of shunning all the old,all the prejudices and creating a new independent perspective, your very own something I would personally propagate yet if one goes a little further they are presented with a dilemma.
The Dilemma that are the perspectives and the paradigm we carry our very own or mere antagonism to that which existed already? And if the above holds true how 'anew' or 'independent' are our 'responses' and 'visions' and those of our leaders and do we ever question those?

Is there something really 'pro-active' as we know it out there that exists on its own and not as a response to another entity.The mention of 'responses' or 'reactions' has to be traced back to a stimulus in our case the context or the social milieu and various factors that nurture the rise of different institutions, beliefs and '-isms' one of them being religion; an instrument of control for the privileged and powerful,the only solace of the dis-empowered ensuring a perpetual continuation of the misery.

But how do we explain the widespread atheism among masses that are turning away from the very institution and adopting secular spiritual beliefs; the antagonist relationship of the rationale and theological.It can only be traced to a loss of 'faith',the chaotic times we live conditioning a break down of the 20th century idealistic beliefs and yet the acknowledgement of different beliefs and their co-existence in a country as diverse as India ( barring a few instances of Communal riots ) reflects the very transformation of the concept of 'truth' and its multiple dimensions and relativity which essentially is post-modernist in nature for it celebrates the existence of not a single truth but multiple truths to each his own and this can be attributed again to the breakdown of the central institutions and for man,the unknown is a terrifying place so by law the fall of one institution leads to the rise of others for we as a race certainly need something to believe in, and the lack of faith causes an immediate crises which the emerging institutions fulfil.
If you call yourself a 'rationale' and you 'speculate' choosing or creating your truth becomes difficult for you and 20 th century existentialism again comes into play which in a very different context emphasises the same..
but the search,the hunt for an absolute truth still remains..
The question is whether it should persist.