Saturday 12 October 2013

Perfect strangers : Encounters of the soul (A short story)

Take 1
Location : A radio meet up at CP

"He'd be tall,6'ft 2 inches with a smile to die for and a spark in his eye."
These were her own words that resounded in her head as she saw him pacing towards her, An absolute stranger yet known he felt in that first glance with a smile on his face,a dangerously contagious smile coupled with a build chiseled to the core,his aura overpowering..
"Yes" she said to herself as she realized the Greek God of her dreams had finally decided to show up and she smiled so did everyone else while waiting for the Radio God to show up at the event; a Greek god as him ain't a bad deal at all..every ounce worth the wait she thought with a devilish smile crossing her lips.."after all quality NSP(Nain Sukh Prapti) that really appeal to you are so rare in this city;Most of them are committed and the rest happily gay,but luckily he looked neither." she contemplated. No,she wasn't falling for him already,just healthy appreciation winked the Delhi girl in her..
Barring all the girl talk something seemed unusually familiar as they greeted each other, a connection of some sort with a complete stranger
She wondered what it could be until she could wonder no more...

 Take -2
Location : Cannaught Place
She was late by 10 mins already and he had called twice still she rushed to the ladies to have a final glance at herself and mused why she had to act so 'Girly' at times especially when the guy has been waiting already for past some mins and then she thought of the friend's ordeal who had waited for 45 mins in a row at a metro station with nothing to do and her wrath only grew stronger, but then guys don't complain when you look beautiful,do they? she thought to herself as she realized the mirror work had more become essential than ever..
especially when she had made an effort to really dress up and look good after ages...
A breath of satisfaction as she arranged her hair a final time,staring at the neat picture that looked back at her..Decent,she declared as she lay contemplating the odds of keeping it simple but then being almost shrewdly aware of her innocent smile that could kill only helped...
He called again as she declared she was waiting for him at CCD entrance, heck of a weekend it was;and Rajeev Chowk the very pulse of the throbbing heart of New Delhi,as it connected the East and the West , Chandni Chowk to the posh and sprawling lanes of G.K.and Khan Market; the antique to all thats new...
As every metro passed a fresh stream of people emerged;shorts,hipsters,stilettos to patialas and Jhumkas...everything ranging from a South Delhi Chick all dressed to kill to your everyday girl next door who couldn't care less to sport some Mascara and the aunties waiting patiently with a single dominant intent to grab seats and break some annoying male jaw too eager to have their way out before the royalty themselves set in,looking all grossed over the leggy lass whos probably dressed way 'too' short sporting a 'What is with the world?' expression..and then probably getting lost in the "Hamare Zamane mein to..." nostalgia..
His voice broke her meditation as she realized she was still on the phone and they hadn't really figured the other ones location. "I am near CCD" he said and so did 10 other men standing besides her and though she had met him once it was long back so she wondered if it was this tall guy in black standing right in front of her for Skype could be deceptive she thought and for a moment as she stared simultaneously at her cell and him describing his location,she almost had an impulse to catch the next metro and leave if it were this guy she had come to see but synchronicity proved her wrong and he emerged all glorious and enamouring than ever from a crowd of a million fellow commuters of course all armed with his seductive smile thought she..
In the moments as she followed him to check out of the metro station,last two months flashed in front of her,how they got acquainted only to become the best of friends,those endless chats and skyping that would extend all night long and how he was there all times she needed him and what a brilliant listener he was...
and she smiled as he told her about his horrifying yet hilarious gay encounter in last ten minutes..
She asked why he dint leave the place immediately as he looked perfectly straight,he calmly replied that he liked meeting people,knowing  different the heck she wouldn't know,she d been hearing it for sometime now and even helping it arranging him with her friends.
"Who wouldn't wana date him" She thought.
Yet she din't,as she learnt about his escapades she observed him more closely,he wasn't the kind of men that would sweep her off her feet or woo her at all,she knew him and his priorities too well by now for him to be friend zoned surely but there was something about him other than that smile of course that really intrigued her,he was different than any of his kind and so charming just being that...
"A frappe it is" she said,comfortably settled in her chair at CCD and finally looking at him closely,she wondered why she hadn't met him before even after all the insistence and then the conversation started,women,men,career and more...
She had affirmed she'd be relatively quite today for she wanted to hear him more and know him more..
As they say time flies by and so it did...
"So ask me.."
"You d wana hear me out today?"
"Cmon,this is difficult feels like Im interviewing you and I wouldn't wana know how you made out with the woman in someplace's washroom only to get busted for I know that already right.."
ya,what is with all the clarity dude?"
"hmmph ???"
"How do you know yourself so well,not many I meet do"
"oh that, simple I spent time figuring out myself,I even have a list of women Id like to date...You got a corporate lady,the good girl, a complete slut..."
"A slut?"
" It d be an experience you see,being with her"
"The sex?"
"No, the package :D,I  told ya I like meeting different kinda people and I get to learn so much,thats how I knew the things I knew and you wondered how and why.Women are so diverse and I ve spoken to all age groups,so I know how they evolve"
"And how exactly?" she said curious.
"Its different with everyone but their perspectives are interesting and its quite intriguing to me..People"
Seriously,she mused that was too much clarity she smiled and noticed him looking at her carefully while she licked the coffee froth off her lips all conscious and aware of what he'd be thinking...
For an instant she thought he was checking her out and just then
"When are you getting married,this year or next?"
"Excuse me?" she made a face dissapointed.
"You heard me?" of course she did and wondered if others around heard them too as she looked around a crowded CCD on a saturday after noon people just having so much to say,who cared..
she thought.
"I am not getting married another half a decade,Im just 22 not before Im content and independent".She said assertively.
"Whom are you kiddin babe?"
"You bet.."
"Thats see!You know it so well :)" he grinned "Hold on and relax babe, You' d figure it out meanwhile just trust that instinct of yours and go with the flow"
He said again with a calm smile..
in that moment she envied him for he looked as content as Buddha himself..she only wondered (as good looking as him) really took time to sit and ponder over what they want in life..and emerge so confidently with it,...she adored him so much in such moments and felt like she owed him..
and while every other person she met wanted the big buck,he wasn't the intellectual kinds yet he really asked her to follow her heart,to find out what she really wanted,to contemplate while everyone else was running the race already,he taught her to know herself more,something she had kept at bay and every encounter with him was a reminder of that,he seemed to be that missing piece in the puzzle that had plagued her mind for so long..someone with really the guts to decree on their life and wishes..she felt an ease and confidence as she looked in his eyes,rebellion he'd been living away from folks just to be true to he was..There was a Click and she knew it.Funny she thought how the very first meeting with a guy that had been so strangely familiar all this while could make her reflect so much...
She thought all of that and more while strolling around C.P wishing they had more time. The funny part is she had come to this place numerous times yet she couldn't figure out the way,in truth she never wanted to;to walk along the circuitous lanes in CP not really aware where it headed was a part of its beauty, symbolic of just going with the flow and reach your destination when the times right,After all what goes around,comes around.She explained this to him as he only smiled and yes,they din't kiss though as they had threatened each other jokingly but ya she did think of molesting him while in the elevator but he was too tall for her and that moment she thought she'd update her list,the guy has to be 5'10 or less to be a bit approachable..
"Nothing" she said when he asked her what she was up to in her mind...
and with that and a subtle touch of a hand shake he winked her good bye...she blushed as she smiled
he wasn't her perfect man yes but perfect strangers they were...

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